About Simple Bookvertising
Hi! My name is Veit Brede and I'm a copywriter and email marketing specialist since 2017.
After working together with numerous clients and talking with people who work in all sorts of jobs and run businesses at different stages, I realised that many of them love what they are doing, but don't like the marketing aspect that comes with running a successful business.
After being in the online marketing space since 2014, earning my spurs through (costly) mistakes, trials & errors, and also learning from some of the best marketing minds in today's time (both, the alive and the dead ones), I want to give back as much as possible and share some tips, tricks, and strategies about marketing for people who love what they are doing and want to make the world a better place.
My goal with Simple Bookvertising is quite simple (pun intended).
I want to share my own experiences of what works in marketing (and maybe more importantly what doesn't) as well as sharing what successful entrepreneurs, business owners, authors & writers, and generally what people who make a (positive) difference, have to say, that will help YOU to make an impact on the lives you want to improve and make a good living at the same time as well. (Gosh, what a sentence!)
In short: I want to help you make a dent helping others AND make more money. And it doesn't matter if you're offering services or simply entertainment - we all need to laugh more anyways.
So I welcome you to enjoy the ride with me together.
Take care and stay awesome!
Your pal,
Veit Brede